Welcome to H.A.R.P.

This H.A.R.P. forum was inspired by the aspirations and touching stories that my students have shared with me of their amazing experiences with the harp and its healing qualities.
You will hear from them about the broad applications of harp music . Therapeutic benefits are received by not only those who listen, but also by those who play this heavenly instrument.

People of all ages seem to come to the harp primarily for these reasons:

Stress reduction
Calming activity for those who are highly sensitive
Learning to the play the instrument
Spiritual connection
Harp Therapy
Service to others

If you are new to the harp world, or are an experienced harper, you are invited to ask questions or share with others.

You might wish to consider some of the following:

*What has been your relationship with your harp - has it changed your life in anyway?
*What type of harp do you play?
*How long have you been playing?
*What goals do you have with the harp?
*How do you see the harp as being a healing agent in our modern world, much like it was in ancient times?
*How do you envision the harp being of service to others?

Click on the pink COMMENTS LINK in each section to read more!

Share your comments by clicking on the pink Comments link at the bottom of this page. Your suggestions are most welcome! We look forward to seeing you here often.

On Wings of a Dove CD

On Wings of a Dove CD
Harp Music to Soothe the Soul


Hear how others have been inspired by the harp.
Click on pink COMMENTS links on each post to read more!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Five of my students joined me with their colorful lap harps to play at the outdoor Labyrinth Walk fundraiser for Project Labyrinth in Bellingham, WA for Summer Solstice 2009.

Here is what some of them experienced while creating and experiencing this sacred space:


Anonymous said...

Hello, Harpers. What a peaceful and enjoyable experience the Labyrinth Walk was! We provided the walkers with a pleasant background resonance as they meditated and communed with the sacred space. It was the first time I experienced what the wind could do to my harp strings as well; what a cool sensation that was. I had to look around me at first, wondering where that powerful, melodious hum was coming from. My backyard environment is too fenced in by trees to allow for the wind to reach the strings when I play outside. Here's hoping that Project Labyrinth is successful in establishing a permanent labyrinth there, and that we can all get together in the near future to share our harp experiences!

Gliss on!

Jeff Worthy

KT said...

I love the idea!

Unknown said...

I had only been playing the harpcycle for a
couple of months and felt quite self conscious
when I stationed myself at the edge of the
labyrinth last June. But as I continued to play, the resonance of the strings gradually transformed me into a peaceful welcoming presence for the walkers.

The harp brings me home to myself every time
I get lost in her. How precious is that?

Jan Trafton